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When Do You Need A Lawyer?

When do you need a Lawyer?

By: Robert S. Curry

When do you need a Lawyer? The Federal and State courts have become very complicated. It is tough, if not impossible, for a “non-lawyer” to navigate their way through the legal system. Without the assistance of an attorney, you can lose an uncomplicated legal issue because of your naïve errors. Even though the judges may understand your intent, attempting to represent yourself can cause time delays for your case. Your innocent mistakes and lose the case, because of your lack of legal knowledge. Small procedural errors that a non-lawyer is not aware of can be very damaging to the outcome of your case.

When do you need a Lawyer?

In most cases, the best way to protect your rights is to hire an attorney in the particular field of your case to represent you, such as real estate, bankruptcy, criminal, or business. If you think that the issue is not significant enough to incur the legal fees, then don’t file the lawsuit.

Hiring the proper attorney based on the legal issue is important. For instance, if you’ve been falsely accused of a crime, you need a good criminal defense lawyer on your side. If the legal outcome can have a material impact on you or your business, you should hire an experienced business lawyer. Filing for bankruptcy may also require the assistance of a bankruptcy attorney. Or, if your creditor blackmails you or threatens to collect your aircrafts and other properties in your possession, contact an airplane repo attorney immediately. An attorney with many years of experience in the specific field as your case is the only lawyer to hire. If the issue is minor, but you still need legal advice, you can save fees and hire a younger attorney to handle the problem adequately. You should evaluate each situation on a case by case basis. It is crucial for a business owner to understand “When do you need a Lawyer?

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My name is Robert Curry, and I am an Author, CEO Coach, Keynote Speaker, and Turnaround Specialist. Over the past 20 years, I have worked with more than 70 companies taking their businesses from Loses to Profits.

If this article When Do You Need A Lawyer? helps you, family member, or business associate, please share your story with me at

I have recently published two books about turnarounds: “From Red to Black – A Business Turnaround” and “The Turnaround.” Both books are true stories about turnarounds of real companies that I have turned around during my career. In both books, I have shared all my Profit Improvement Recommendations (“PIR’s”). PIR’s helped to grow sales, reduce expenses, improve cash flow, and most importantly, strengthen the management teams.

If you would like to purchase either or both books autographed by the author, please click on the following link:

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