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5 Tips for a Healthier New Year

As the New Year comes along, we all hear the same old cliches #newyearnewme where the most common New Years resolution tends to involve some sort of healthier lifestyle or weight-loss plan. I can honestly say that I have also fallen victim to this sort of “New Years resolution” mentality but it never stuck until recently.

Through implementing these 5 simple tips, I have been able to get myself on a healthier lifestyle path that endures longer than the first couple weeks of January.

  1. Put YOURSELF first. Mental health is EXTREMELY important.  Self-care is often overlooked through the constant run-down of busy schedules and FOMO but taking that time off to nourish your needs is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle change. I like to take some time out of my morning to enjoy my coffee and plan out my day. Giving yourself a needed break and staying in to relax can almost make you more productive in the long-run.
  2. Drink more water. Increasing daily water intake to around 1.5 liters, can be greatly beneficial. Not only does a larger water intake give you more energy throughout the day but it also influences the state of your skin. Since I have started carrying around water bottles everywhere I go, I have noticed clearer skin and a larger burst of energy that prevents “burnout”.
  3. Find a fun way to get active. I know I’m not the only one who gets tired of the same old gym workouts. From cardio on the treadmill to the constant rotation of strength equipment, workouts can get mundane and repetitive. Taking on classes that get you active in a more exciting way can influence a more positive attitude towards exercise. I myself have become more active since discovering the joys of a kickboxing class.
  4. Cook more. Sometimes eating out less can lead you to a healthier lifestyle. It’s clear that cooking your own meals are better for your health, after all, you know what’s in it! Eating out often may not be the best option because you don’t always know what your food contains, more often then not, it’s a whole lot of sodium. It is understandable that we are not all natural cooks in the kitchen but so many new food services have made it easier to put together a meal. For example, HelloFresh  brings meal kits right to your door. You can customize your meal kits on dietary preferences and have the kit delivered to your door with various simple and delicious recipes.
  5. Get a good night’s sleep. I know, it sounds easier than it is. But getting the required hours of sleep can greatly increase one’s mood and metabolism. Find some strategies that work for you and help you wind down before bed. Yoga and meditation can be very helpful to get you in a calm mindset. Or maybe something as simple as a hot shower or bath before bed can do the trick. The digital age we are currently living in can also present some sleep assistance through meditation and sleep apps.

As the latter of January approaches, it can be easy to give-up on resolutions and fall back into the same routine. I am by NO MEANS a dietitian or trainer but implementing these simple tips have drastically changed my physical and mental health.

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