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Remember the 1993 film Sleepless in Seattle starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan?

Well, in February 2019 I became the Tom Hanks character. Only I was sleepless in Boca Raton, Florida, following the death of my beautiful wife Angela who finally lost her brave 10-year battle with breast cancer.

One night my poor darling slipped away, just like that, and I was alone.  And devastated.

One of the ways I dealt with the stinging loneliness, the paralyzing grief, was to write about it in this blog of mine, Madden Mischief, which had become my therapy.  My relief.

Then I began to follow my psychologist Dr. Dara’s prescription to parade around my office and apartment with my hands on my hips.  This would help to raise my wounded and sagging testosterone level, she said . . . maybe perk up my appetite to get out of the house and go socializing again for a brief respite from my depression.

Then Instead of listening to a talk-radio program as in the film Sleepless in Seattle and discussing my feelings with its host and maybe have a woman like Meg listening who’d fall in love with me, I took another more active and daring course.

I sailed headlong into that choppy, frothy sea of Internet Dating, which I write about in my next book “Love Boat 78” published by Mascot Books, set to come out later in the fall.

And there’s a happy ending to the story in the form of a bright star, a shining light, a charming blonde from Brazil named Rita.

Ironically, I didn’t meet her online, but in a neighborhood sports bar called Duffy’s.

And today Rita and I are now happily married.

Yes, life goes on.

Here’s a picture of the two of us on that happy occasion:

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