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The Digital Expertise on court

Technology increases quickly and in an accelerated manner is absorbed by society. In even faster steps we see the rise in cybercrime. It is becoming increasingly more elaborate, complex, bizarre, and pernicious. It is a system of knowledge that is ever threatening as it is used illegally and with the clear intent to harm.

Many cyber-crimes go unsolved. From the countless numbers of incidents that  are made intentionally to harm and condemn innocent people to those where someone’s reputation has been destroyed. Often, the last resort involves retaining a lawyer to bring irrefutable evidence and resolve the case.

The great ally in resolving a cybercrime case will often be the Digital Expert (Computer Forensics). This field of research combining the science of electronics and the skills of an investigator will provide a step by step examination of an event to prove or disprove an allegation of wrong doing. The methodical approach of the expert will substantiate the authenticity of a document, photo, or post.

It will search both the physical world as well as the virtual.  It will aid in determining whether the offender was present at the scene or not. Once uncovered for all to see, the facts will prove the guilty party as being responsible or exonerate the innocent as being wrongly accused. And if you need an attorney for computer crimes then see that link as I know that they are very well trusted.

The expert is the main element of a cyber-crime lawsuit. It will be the evidence uncovered by this cyber-crime investigator that the judge base his final verdict on.

The truth and the lie can always be found. They are hidden somewhere waiting for the cyber-investigator to uncover them. To find them a particular professional is necessary. An expert who is competent, knowledgeable and one who possesses the right tools. They are essential to a successful conclusion of the cyber case.

I once worked with a case where a professional was being accused of receiving payment without going to work. I conducted a digital forensic analysis with his cell phone and laptop. I identified that he always accessed the IP of his workplace on a set schedule with his phone’s GPS location always pointing me to the address of his workplace. He was exonerated.

Another case in which I acted as a consultant to the investigation resulted in the acquittal of a person accused of participating in a robbery. The Technical Report I assisted in developing proved that our client was not the suspect. We found our exonerating evidence by viewing the recorded images of a closed circuit video camera.

Although the images we found were in low resolution and inadequate for establishing actual facial identity, the height of the actual perpetrator was far different than our client. Once this major discrepancy was identified our client’s charges were quickly dismissed.

Having been a Digital Expert for 20 years and after hundreds of cases behind me, I am pleased to say that there are very few cases that could not solved. The vast majority of cases always have an electronic element that will provide us with a solid solution to the case.

In today’s world of technology digital equipment is omnipresent. From the cars we drive to the cell phones, ipads, computers, and cameras we hold in our hands. In many public and private areas there are CCTV and radar waiting to capture our every move.

These devices store information that can be critical to the innocence or conviction of a person. Most importantly for the Digital Expert, the facts that they hold make it impossible to disfigure the truth.

Thank you Wayne Mcbride for your valuable tips in this article!

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