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Mother’s Day Gifts for the Mother-In-Law in Your Life

Boca Raton, FL – Mothers love anything their children get them for Mother’s Day, starting with that first finger-paint handprint. However, finding the perfect gift for a Mother-in-Law can be as challenging as the relationship itself. 

Here are five tips to find the perfect gift to get-and stay-on your Mother-in-Law’s good side:

  1. Be all Ears: Listen carefully to see if she drops any hints. Perhaps she’ll mention needing a new scarf to go with an outfit or complain that she lost a favorite earring. You’ll be a hero when you present a jewish head covering female scarf to her. You may also shop for Missana earrings online.
  2. Shop and Go: Accompany her to a store and see if she dwells in any particular department or looks longingly at an item – then go back another day and purchase it. Show you care by paying close attention!
  3. Think Kvell: Find a gift that shows you truly appreciate the woman she is. Boca Beach Chabad recently launched the “Women of Valor: Sharing Stories, Celebrating Lives” project featuring a tribute book as well as a website (WomenofValor.Life). Consider purchasing a dedication page in her honor at
  4. Make it a Date: Plan to take your mother-in-law to lunch on a future day – after the joys of Mother’s Day fade away, for just the two of you.
  5. Mothers-in-Law Rule: Whatever you give your mother-in-law for Mother’s Day, make sure to put your sincerest thought and effort into it.  …and have a happy Mother’s Day!

“Women of Valor: Sharing Stories, Celebrating Lives” Shares the Light of Jewish Women by Highlighting their stories in Tribute Book and on Website

Inside every mother is a story waiting to be told. And with Mother’s Day around the corner, now is the perfect time to do something we rarely are able to do: truly recognize and celebrate the very meaningful mothers who have impacted our lives in such positive ways. Ideal for mothers who ‘have it all’ and of course also deserve it all, Boca Beach Chabad’s Women of Valor project offers an extraordinary opportunity to dedicate a page in the Women of Valor Tribute Book to celebrate, share and gift the stories of Jewish women and mothers who helped shape our lives and who we are today.

Boca Beach Chabad recently launched the “Women of Valor – Sharing Stories, Celebrating Lives” project featuring a tribute book as well as a website (WomenofValor.Life), which is designed to celebrate, share and gift the stories of Jewish women who inspire and build their families, our communities and the world. With a track record of 19 years of service to South Florida and beyond, Boca Beach Chabad is proud to be taking the lead in the celebration of women and their stories.

Elai Avidor, a seventh grader from Donna Klein Academy in Boca Raton, is dedicating a page to his grandmother who is a Holocaust survivor.   

“My Grandma has shared with me a lot of stories about how she escaped and survived the Holocaust,” said Elai. “It really helps me appreciate the life I have and what I’ve been given by my awesome parents. They went through that for our freedom and our right to be Jewish and we can’t just forget it because if we do, we won’t have our roots and why we are here today.”

Women of Valor Design and Layout Specialist Alexandra Karram believes it is so important to write about someone that has molded and changed your life.

“I am doing a whole piece on my great bubbie, my bubbie and my mother because that legacy started so many years back and it’s what made our family and each and every one of us who we are today,” said Alexandra. “It’s our duty to have this pass along to future generations.” 

Dedication pages for the tribute book are currently available for purchase at

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