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FBI Warns of Devastating Cyber-attacks on IoT Network

The FBI has issued an alert on the potential devastating cyber-attack on the Internet of Things (IoT) networks. In the statement, the FBI explained that cyber attackers use IoT devices to assume anonymity as they carry out their criminal cyber activities. The announcement did not come as a shocker to many in the global communication industry who have had issues with the IoT for a very long time. According to these players, the IoT is essentially wide open which provides a gateway for devastating cyber-attacks. This high level of insecurity poses a threat to vital networks both at a national and global level.


The alert further states that these actors are proactive and always on the lookout for any compromised or vulnerable device in the IoT system for use as proxies to direct mischievous traffic for cyber-attacks and manipulation of computer networks. These smart devices are interconnected and also connected to the internet to send and receive information. Among the targeted devices include wireless radios links time clocks, routers, IP cameras, audio/video streaming devices, smart garage door openers, Raspberry Pis, as well as all network attached storage devices.


The warning further explains that the reason why IoT proxy servers are a target to hackers is that they communicate all internet requests through the gadget’s IP address, thus allowing for anonymity. The devices in most developed countries are especially sought after as these criminals can have access to business websites that disallow traffic from suspicious IPs. It is not easy to discern malicious traffic and normal traffic when an IoT device is being used.

Identifying a Compromised Device

Cybercriminals are using compromised devices as proxies to engage in despicable illegal activities that include sending of spam e-mails, generating click-fraud, anonymity, monitoring internet browsing, trading of illegal images and goods, hacking of network traffic among other malicious actions.


According to the FBI report, cyber criminals basically tamper with devices that have weak authentication, unpatched firmware or other vulnerabilities in the software.


The alert says that it is not easy to identify a compromised IoT device but they are some indicators that can help you tell whether your network or device has been breached. The indicators that organizations should be on the lookout include:


Actions to Take


It is advisable to regularly reboot your devices as most malware is normally stored in memory and can be deleted once the device has been rebooted. Other recommendations are:



In a business setting an IT personnel should be able to carry out the above tasks. For home and small offices, ensure that you engage the services of a professional who knows a thing or two about computers

Bottom Line

This statement where the FBI warns on ‘devastating’ cyber-attacks on IoT devices should be taken seriously by all stakeholders in this industry. The alert has discussed how cyber-attacks actively search for compromised IoT so that they can use them to carry out these illegal activities. Organizations should be able to identify the key indicators for a breached network to ensure that they are not caught unawares when the crime has gone too far.


To be on the safe side always ensure that once you purchase a smart device, you change the default password to something unique and complex. Do not stick to the password provided by the manufacturer as many default passwords can be found easily on the internet. Hackers can use these devices to access more gadgets in your home so be safe.


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