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Whom to Ask for Help with Homework?

I am the mother of two school students, and I want to share my experience and discuss the benefits and harms of different scenarios of parental behavior concerning doing homework.

The Best Way Out

There are countries where homework has been mostly canceled. The advantages are undeniable – the students have more free time to practice what they consider important for themselves: something they love, some skill or hobby that they want to develop themselves at, etc. Also, if they are not overloaded with homework, they are more likely to help the parents around the house. But what if they still have to do homework? To have all the above advantages even in “homework obligatory” situation, contact the Assignment Expert service and forget about tons of homework, even if your children continue being assigned.

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My Own Experience and Mistakes

When my eldest daughter went to school, I was sure that homework was a task for children. So, my daughter was studying on her own. I rarely checked her homework. Then I suddenly found out that there were too many blunders and mistakes in her homework. Now I’m sure that the draft is the most valuable in the process of the child’s activity, and workbook is needed so that the teacher and parents can see how the child thinks, what mistakes they make, how they find and correct them. However, I had a different opinion before.

After talking with the other moms, I found out that many of them do homework with the children: the child writes every letter and figure under control and with the help of an adult.

Having succumbed to the general influence, I made an attempt to sit for lessons with my daughter. But it’s too late. She was already used to independence and get used to her deserved though not excellent grades, and therefore did not tolerate intrusion into personal space.

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Attempt Number Two

With the younger daughter, I did as planned before. I controlled every step and checked every letter. I really wanted my child to be the best of the best. We did our lessons until late at night. At the weekend we solved problems and wrote dictations. It lasted almost three years until it dawned on me again: my daughter will not sit for lessons if I’m not around. And if she does sit down, she will make mistakes. And we are both used to the lack of mistakes. This resulted in her being scared of making even the smallest mistake while doing her school tests, she hesitated, wasted time, became stressed out and eventually had even lower results. However, children should try and make mistakes to learn from them. Doing homework together did not work, while doing homework on their own could last till late at night.


My own experience has shown that helping or not helping children in their tasks can both bring negative results. Most studying is still done at school, while homework is a byproduct of school learning. So if you’re struggling, just order help from experts.

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