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Kol the Therapy Dog Warms Local Hearts and Wins Medals

By: Bryanna Basilio

A familiar fluffy face has been greeting students and patients all over Palm Beach County. Meet Kol the Therapy Dog, an 8-year-old purebred Golden Retriever providing comfort for locals at hospitals, schools, and hospices.

Palm Beach State College nursing students greet Kol at the Lake Worth Campus

Recently Kol had been spending his time helping college students de-stress during finals. With appearances at Lynn University, Florida Atlantic University, and Palm Beach State College campuses, he has been a favorite among students.

“He becomes very tired after visiting colleges” says Kol’s owner Jane Eisenberg. “The colleges always have stressed students and Kol can feel that, so when he comes home, he lies down and falls asleep.”

Kol became a therapy dog when Eisenberg noticed how great of a temperament he had.

“I also wanted to give back to the community after my parents passed away.”

When asked what was her favorite thing about making him a therapy dog, she said, “I love watching him in action. He’s really intuitive. When people are upset, he knows. When people are stressed, he knows. When people are sad, he knows. In each situation he is a different dog depending on the environment.”

One thing is certain, people love to pet him, especially since Kol has beautiful soft hair. “I wash him once a week,” says Eisenberg. “I have to make sure he is clean for every visit.”

Kol competing in the Golden Retriever National in 2014 in Asheville, NC. Kol took home Select Dog beating over 900+ retrievers.

Before Kol was traveling around as therapy dog for 5-years, he was awarded Grand Champion Bronze at 14-months, a high honor bestowed to a breed. Kol is a decorated canine with titles such as obedience, therapy, and hunter. Kol still continues to compete and is a semi-retired show dog.

“He will be competing in Best to Breed in the Veterans subcategory,” said Eisenberg. “All golden retrievers are entered and he will be shown by a handler. It is very competitive.”

When Kol is not competing, he very much enjoys working with disabled children and local shelters. Kol and his owner have shown no indication of slowing down.

“It’s been so fulfilling for me. I enjoy seeing him helping others. I love seeing the faces light up and the stress release. Gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.”

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