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Spanish River High School Band Silver Sound is D.C. Bound

By: Gabriel Diaz

The Spanish River High School Band is headed to Washington D.C. to perform in one of the nation’s most prestigious parades, the National Independence Day Parade on Constitution Avenue.

maxresdefaultAs the only band in Florida to be in attendance, the Spanish River Band has been given the opportunity to put the spotlight on not only themselves but Boca Raton.

The band was originally nominated to play by U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, D-22, and was later formally invited to participate in the parade. Rep. Deutch will be attending D.C. with the band as well.

The band is bringing 53 band members on the trip and 10 parents. The 53 band members have been “working on the music since May” according to band director Craig White, and “ the past week we’ve practiced every day.”

This once in a lifetime opportunity that includes sightseeing along the nation’s capital is burdensome for some of the students who can’t afford to make that financial commitment.

In order to raise enough funds for the students who can’t afford the expense, the Spanish River High School band has been hosting fundraisers such as car shows and bowling days to get enough funds to bring the 53 members who are signed up to Washington D.C

The trip cost is approximately $85,000” said White. “ We have been able to raise about one-third of that by fundraising and some support from The City of Boca Raton, and local businesses such as JM&A Group, The Office Depot, and Digital Media Arts College.”

The City of Boca Raton itself contributed to the effort by donating $12,000 to the band program for the trip. Something which was a huge help to the program for its efforts to get the whole band to travel to D.C. and represent not only the community of Boca Raton but also the State of Florida.

We are honored and excited to represent Spanish River High School, Boca Raton, and the State of Florida in performing for our country’s birthday in our nation’s capital,” added White.

You can watch the parade live on the 4th of July at

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