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5 Important Reasons Why Jumping Rope Should Be Part of Your Exercise Regimen

Some people love to jump rope as part of their exercise routine. One reason is that it’s a lot of fun and helps to ease stress. The fact that jumping rope doesn’t involve complicated equipment or require much space is also a plus. Along with those advantages, there are five other key reasons why you should think about jumping rope as part of your workout.


Strengthening Your Ankles Feet and Lower Legs

It’s hard to think of a workout that can accomplish so much for your feet and legs. The steady pace works the muscles of the lower legs while it helps to strengthen and provide more stability to the ankles. Even the joints in the feet are better off if you jump rope at least three times a week.


Improving Your Breathing

You’ll quickly find that using jump ropes makes a difference in the way you breathe. You’ll learn how to take deeper breathes that in turn allows the bloodstream to distribute oxygen throughout your body properly. As you master the art of jumping rope, you’ll begin to notice that other forms of exercise no longer cause you to get so winded quickly. That’s because the activity is helping you to change the way you breathe and leads to developing breathing habits that are good for you even when you no matter what you are doing.


Promoting Heart Health

The workout that jumping rope provides is also great for the heart. Your circulation is boosted and that means better blood flow to all your vital organs. Increased blood flow also means the nutrients needed for strong muscles and tissues get where they need to go. That includes feeding your heart and keeping it strong.


Keeping Your Bones Stronger

Did you ever think that something as simple as jumping rope could help keep your bones strong? This type of physical activity helps you maintain and maybe even improve the density of your bones. While most people think of this as being a benefit for people who are older, even younger individuals need to keep their bones healthy and strong.


Burns More Calories Than You Think

While you are having fun jumping rope, you are also getting rid of some of those calories. This is important since the calories pave the way for packing on extra pounds. While the exercise is helping you tone muscles, it’s also eliminating calories that could turn to more fat. The result is that you are able to actually lose some of your spare weight as you tone the muscles.


You can find the right types of jump ropes in the best fitness stores and quickly get into a routine that includes this type of exercise. Along with being part of a workout, there’s no reason you can’t jump rope while you watch television, listen to music, or do a quick five minutes worth to ease stress. Once you get into the swing of using the rope regularly, you’ll always want to keep one close by.


Fitness Avenue

267 Champagne Dr

North York


M3J 2C6


(647) 729-9048

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