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Garden Club Lecture with Dr. Terryl Lawrence


By: Michael Demyan

Florida Atlantic University professor Dr. Terryl Lawrence will be speaking at the Boca Raton Garden Club’s General Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 7.

Lawrence’s appearance will include a presentation on two different artists, which will be titled “Changing Landscapes, Olmstead and Christo.”

Lawrence graduated with a doctorate in art from Columbia University and currently teaches photography, drawing and art history. The art enthusiast also wrote the preface to “Artist and Exile,” which was written by best-selling author Chaim Potok.

The two artists she will be speaking about appear on two different sides of the world, with both their upbringing and style of art.

Marla Olmstead began painting when she was 2 years old and was considered to be a child prodigy when she was only 4. Her paintings were sold for thousands of dollars after her art was first discovered while hanging in a coffee shop.

Christo did not begin his work in the arts until adulthood in the 1950s. He escaped his home country of Bulgaria as a refugee and is most well-known for his collaborations creating sculptures with fellow artist Jeanne-Claude.

Lawrence will explore the influence that the two artists had on the world of art.

The meeting begins at 1 p.m. It will be open to the public and free to attend.

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