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Your Influence Can Endure!

If you have been useful with your talents for a period of time in the recent past, you need not stop the action in whatever area you have been functioning; you are entitled to continue and excel.

Nothing should impede its continuation toward greater, higher excellence. The area of your utility may change, but nothing should deny your contribution from remaining ongoing, positively affecting people and events!

Even if you are denied opportunities to do what has been your life­long contribution, you can still create new venues to provide and dispense significant services which are intended to affect the largest possible number of people, in a positive manner!

Other persons’ denials to you need not force you into oblivion, confined to a shelf, even if that shelf is masqueraded as a monument to you. Your greatest honor is not to be limited to past deeds alone but, rather, to ongoing realizations as long as you have something genuine to offer – items that can still make a valid, positive difference in other lives!

In order for that to occur with unfaltering frequency, you have to know where you need to be, and what are the best routes to lead you there, knowing also what to anticipate correctly for proper action once you get there! Creativity, being present and adequately utilized, can lead the way to ongoing, lasting deeds with the infuence they provide! A productive life is one of continual motion, both intellectually and actively, in the delivery of what is being conceived and produced. Any doer is never stationary, but is always going somewhere, or getting out of somewhere unfit for one to remain!

Avoid being stuck in the wrong trajectory and activity that could hinder your advancement, productivity and impact for a long time. Daily seek to achieve something of permanent worth, leaving a lasting legacy, rather than merely repeat the ordinary. Plan for a significant accomplishment to leave behind and see it carried into new heights of significance!

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