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Five Immature Behaviorals Pattern You Need to Get Rid of

Men often experience troubles with girls. Women reject them after first meeting without any visible reason. Most of the guys suggest girls are strange and fastidious. However, we have some bad news for them. In most cases, guys get rejected because of their boyish behavior and actions. There is a slight difference between light-hearted attitude towards life and immature behavior, but not all men understand and notice this difference. We asked our gorgeous friends from Russian Brides For Marriage to tell us about several behavioral patterns guys should get rid of to win a girl’s heart.

  1. Learn to communicate. Teenage boys frequently become victims of their own inability to communicate with people. For instance, they hide their emotions and thoughts (a telling sign of insecurity), trash talk anyone who tries to get closer to them etc. Unfortunately, some boys tend to carry this magnificently useless behavioral pattern up to their de jure maturity. Of course, women find this inclination repulsive. Communication is the basic building element of any relationship, especially love and marriage.
  2. Become self-assured. In the contemporary world, men are more likely to be self-confident than women. However, under the mask of assertiveness and pompous boldness, most of the guys hide a frightened little boy with no idea of what’s happening. This is not how things should be done. You need to be proud of yourself for the things you do best, for how respectfully you treat people, and so on. Arrogance and vanity have nothing to do with maturity.
  3. Become decisive. No one ever liked to be responsible. Nonetheless, as a man, you should be in charge of your future and the future of your children and wife. If a girl understands that you have childish manners and are afraid of any kind of responsibility, she will never let you closer to herself. Moreover, you should also have plans, well, at least for the nearest future. It determines your ability to foresee and map out your life, which is significant for a comfortable life.
  4. Get rid of your obsession over looks. As a young man, you have probably been interested in half-naked girls in fashion magazines. If you still stick to the stereotypical image of a woman and chase only after models, we should warn you: you are never going to be happy in this way. In addition, you should not be too worried about how you look. Metrosexuals were a thing in the 90’s. Mature guys just need to shave from time to time and smell good, everything else is optional.
  5. Let your inner Mister Know-It- All go. The girl decided to date you, so she probably knows you are intelligent and highly values your personality. The set of useless information was good in school to overpower bullies with your kinky sarcasm (if it ever worked, anyway). In real life, the only thing that matters is how you use your knowledge. A real man loves an interesting dispute or political debate, but not preaching and overestimating his own significance.
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