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How Consistent Are You?

By Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.

It is good to be consistent in all you do. But it’s far better to be flexible when certain situations may legitimately require it. There are people who boast of being consistent in all circumstances, and that offers them the excuse of remaining offensive toward others, and doing certain things in just one way, instead of choosing a better way which in most situations can be easily found.

A person’s consistency needs not be lopsided, but it should always lean in the direction of acting honestly at all times, doing good for others periodically, practicing truthfulness in all relationships and transactions, in whatever circumstance one may be found!

Of course, there are several who are consistent in doing what is improper and not right. To those I simply issue an invitation: “Abandon practices that won’t ever lead you forward, and choose instead the company of persons who can aid you in consistent, positive, winning ways!”

Usually, what is not the ideal in life comes quite naturally to most human beings. That’s what needs to be known ahead of time, and carefully checked always! Those are the attitudes and practices to be rejected, without leaving any empty spaces, for they should quickly be replenished with an honorable and more fruitful life-style.

Those choosing to advance with consistency, will equally notice that such attitude will not be limited only to certain aspects of living; they need to affect every sphere of human activity and permeate every sector of our individual operation in society.

It’s imperative to understand also, that even in our consistency in doing what is proper and commendable, there may be situations where employing some flexibility is far more preferable. We need to be attentive to all we do, and of all the circumstances in which we find ourselves. There are occasions when common sense has a right to dictate what our best option would be in fulfilling a task, in executing common practices, in interacting with others.

Perhaps it is in human relationships where a greater deal of flexibility needs to be employed, depending on conditions that may have changed, on the personal needs of those we are negotiating with, and in countless more factors which shall be recognized once we get there.

It’s equally wise and necessary that we operate with varied alternatives to the situations we most frequently encounter in our daily journeys and contacts. Persons who are inflexible seldom reach a pleasant conclusion in any pathway taken.

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