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Everybody Experiences Suffering!

Since creation, suffering has been an inescapable component of the human condition. It comes in varied ways, and affects individuals physically, emotionally, and mentally primarily, besides some other varieties that also impact lives directly or indirectly!

There are kinds of suffering that certain persons bring upon themselves, often preceded by warnings from family, friends, and others, or on account of careless living. They insist on doing certain things, not bothering about the consequences, whenever these may come, as long as they “enjoy” in the now what they choose to experience!

Other types of suffering can also come irrespective of our personal decision or control. They may result from an accident which we had no part in bringing upon ourselves, through personal harm which others may have inflicted on us, or on account of an illness, or prolonged deprivation of items necessary for our proper maturation in the world.

In many ways it’s correct to recognize and affirm that life on earth is synonymous with pain and distress. Happy surprises also occur to any life, from time to time, but the norm appears to be some form of incompleteness, and its consequent trouble, that accompanies humans till their death.

One problem from suffering is that in many cases it’s impossible to undo the damage they’ve already brought into a life. Yet, a key, wise personal deed a person can secure, is to stop whatever may have brought some initial suffering into one’s life, and stay away from it altogether. This often relates to vices and other practices that can and should be avoided altogether.

As I have often remarked, people can recover from suffering, though not altogether from the experience of having suffered; scars often remain, memories may force one to relive some painful, past moments, besides lingering consequences that may still afflict one expectedly, or totally by surprise!

The best procedure for anyone is to avoid whatever might bring unnecessary injury now or later, to give heed to what experienced people or professional experts may tell us about many of life’s harmful surprises, as well as to have courage to face whatever may affect us at any moment of our development, while always seeking the aid that Almighty God can provide to anyone who diligently seeks it from Him!

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