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Jewish Holiday Celebrations

I celebrated the Jewish holidays with my dear friends at the Boca Raton Country club where my husband, Bob and I were joined by 8 others to enjoy the traditional Rosh Hashanah Dinner which consisted of gefilte fish, matzo ball soup, chopped liver, chicken and brisket and noodle pudding and string beans. A delicious enjoyable evening for sure.

The next night I had friends and neighbors to my home for the second night of the holiday. Next year we will make reservations. Too much work!

Richard, Karen Burke, Margi Helschein, Bob, Me and my friend, Wendy

Richard, Karen Burke, Margi Helschein, Bob, Me and my friend, Wendy

Wendy Baum, David Rosen, Margi Helschein, Bob Beasely, Richard ,  and Karen Burke

Wendy Baum, David Rosen, Margi Helschein,
Bob Beasely, Richard ,
and Karen Burke

Our hosts, Johann Leigh and Marilyn Gardner, Bob and I

Our hosts, Johann Leigh and Marilyn Gardner, Bob and I

Richard, Karen and Danny Burke and Ellin Alexander

Richard, Karen and Danny Burke and Ellin Alexander

Sharon Schornstein,, Arlene Rubin and Irena Nochenson

Sharon Schornstein,, Arlene Rubin and Irena

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