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Black Hat Diva’s enjoy Taverna Kyma

Dona Weinraub and Dance Host Paul Scriberas

Dona Weinraub and Dance Host Paul

Dona Weinraub and Dance Host Paul Scriberas Campbell

Dona Weinraub and Dance Host Paul

Ruth Levy and Tony Luis

Ruth Levy and Tony Luis

Myrna Skurnick and Charlotte Beasley

Myrna Skurnick and Charlotte Beasley

Kris Tadich

Kris Tadich

Karen Burke, Charlotte Beasley and Marilyn Gardner

Karen Burke, Charlotte Beasley and Marilyn Gardner

38 Black Hat Diamond Diva’s enjoyed the best party of the year, 50 Shades of Spring/Fling luncheon at Taverna
Kyma in Boca Raton. Betsy Wickard of the Florida Ziegfield Follies and Branson Follies performed a beautiful
fan dance followed by Sandi Solomon and Tony Luis who performed seven ballroom dances. Sandi Solomon provided two professional dance hosts to dance with all the ladies. The lunch was great and two vendors sold hats, jewelry and crafts.
Dance Hosts, Michael Campbell and Paul Scriberas, Charlotte Beasley, Sandi Solomon and Tony Luis

Dance Hosts, Michael Campbell and Paul Scriberas, Charlotte Beasley, Sandi Solomon and Tony Luis

Performer, Betsy Wickard

Performer, Betsy Wickard

Dancers Tony Luis and Sandi Solomon

Dancers Tony Luis and Sandi Solomon

Dona Weinraub and Dance Host Michael Campbell

Dona Weinraub and Dance Host Michael

Kris Tadich

Kris Tadich

Helen Nicozisis, Charlotte Beasley, Janne Gesund and Guest

Helen Nicozisis, Charlotte Beasley,
Janne Gesund and Guest

Debbie Erdmann, Eleanor Amico and Joyce Mariani

Debbie Erdmann, Eleanor Amico and Joyce Mariani

Mondessa Swift and Charlotte Beasley

Mondessa Swift and Charlotte Beasley

Kim Wooten, vendor

Kim Wooten, vendor

Myrna Skurnick, Betsy Wickard and Maritza McIntyre

Myrna Skurnick, Betsy Wickard and Maritza McIntyre

Charlotte Beasley and vendor, Dianne Wagner

Charlotte Beasley and vendor, Dianne Wagner

Dancing Divas and Hosts

Dancing Divas and Hosts

Guest, Ruth Levy and Sharon Schornstein

Guest, Ruth Levy and Sharon Schornstein

Linda Breslof, Karen Burke, Evalyn David and Norma Naimowitz

Linda Breslof, Karen Burke, Evalyn David and Norma Naimowitz

Faye Stone, Debbie Stone and Janne Gesund and Guest

Faye Stone, Debbie Stone and Janne Gesund and Guest

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