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Facing Your Tasks Realistically!

By Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.


Scheduling regular daily activities is just as important and essential as special, major life occurrences. The frequency of performing certain functions is no guarantee that they shall always be executed in the most effective and timely fashion, and in a reasonable amount of time.

Several persons repeatedly complain of not being able to accomplish everything that’s needed on a daily basis. Yet, all along, they are the only ones capable of taking control of their schedule and, thus, the primary cause of such inability!

People who establish and follow a consistent routine for the accomplishment of their regular activities, are the ones also capable of carving needed time for the extras that life also inflicts through surprising emergencies requiring extra time and attention.

It would be great if all that we carefully plan could turn out the way we envision, and that it’s supposed to be. Yet, experience reminds us that such is not always the case; many good things will emerge, as expected and hoped for, but so also do several unexpected situations which demand much that is unexpected, not to mention additional problems that complicate things!

This is partly why using one’s moments wisely, being punctual in all activities without being a slave of the clock, are essentials that need to be uppermost in a person’s regular planning. One never knows if the car will start when one has to leave the house, or if the traffic will be free from congestion, or even if any sudden emergency will adversely invade and affect one’s program.

Being better prepared will not eliminate the unpleasant surprises, but at least it can better allow one to handle the barriers that have appeared, or the unexpected problems that have emerged. Life does not force routine events on anyone; most of these are already expected and, hopefully, planned to be followed by each individual. But there are others which may suddenly appear, forcing manifold alterations in what had been anticipated as part of one’s regular routines!

Not to be forgotten is also the unique disposition of every person toward the tasks of each new day. Certain habits need to be effectively maintained so as to ensure the full benefits that such discipline dispenses. No one will operate at the highest possible level in any function, by going too late to bed the night before; one’s body expects a certain number of hours of rest for maximum effectiveness in the performance of duties.

Ultimately, it’s one’s disciplined life that can guarantee effectiveness in the travail of any task, in the fulfillment of any duty, in the execution of whatever task, whether great or small. It pays to plan well and follow those directives to where they lead. Any success is vitally connected to small things as well as to major considerations. Your careful planning can be viewed as one of those small items which, nevertheless, confer big rewards!

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