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Boca Downtown Rotary Club Luncheon

Frank Feiler presenting an award to Howard Tai

Frank Feiler presenting an award to Howard Tai

IMG_2170I attended the Boca Raton Downtown Rotary club luncheon at the Airport Cinema Bogart’s restaurant today along with my new friend from Palm Beach, Maria Pita Smithers. We were guests of Rotary President, Frank
Fieler. We enjoyed a delicious lunch and then listened to Frank introduce the speaker of the event,
Brian Rensing. Brian has 20+ years Information Technology exprience in the healthcare industry and
started to tell us a story of when he moved to Boca Raton. He has horses so he purchased a large piece of property to keep his horses on. Instead of buying a Ferrari like the usual Boca Crowd he opted for a
used John Deere tractor. The man who sold it to him delivered the tractor and showed Brian how to operate it. When he left and Brian tried it on his own he could not get it to go in reverse and alas his poor
horses had to wait for him to gather hay for their dinner till he figured it out! His Achievemen included developing strategies to pick the right technology investments and execute them with excellence.

After the speaker finished, Frank Fieler presented him with an award and also presented Howard Tai of
Uncle Tai’s with an award. All in all a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

Frank Feiler introducing guests

Frank Feiler introducing guests

Charlotte Beasley, Robin Trompeter and Maria Pita Smithers

Charlotte Beasley, Robin Trompeter and Maria Pita Smithers

Maria Pita Smithers and Frank Fieler, Pres. of Rotary Downton

Maria Pita Smithers and Frank Fieler, Pres. of Rotary Downton

Presenting an award to Brian Rensing

Presenting an award to Brian Rensing

Maria Pita Smithers and Frank Fieler, Pres. of Rotary Downton

Maria Pita Smithers and Frank Fieler, Pres. of Rotary Downton

Charlotte Beasley and Robin Trompeter

Charlotte Beasley and Robin Trompeter

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