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Being Positive When You're Up or Down!

By Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr. 

Every human is supposed to live daily with the expectancy of producing some good each new day. Such action is not dependent on how one feels, where one is, who the beneficiaries will be, what you shall gain in return, and other similar considerations.

No one needs to go around looking for special situations to attend because all around everyone can easily detect individuals and occurrences in need of attention. Every human is affected by the indignities which life hurls at us all and, thus, each person is dependent on the aid that others can provide, regardless of one’s station in life. It may be a word, a helping hand, or something else.

It’s natural for people to consider the top candidates for help as those to whom life has treated more harshly. Yet, rich or poor, educated and uneducated, young or old, male and female – all reach occasions in their earthly journey when conditions become most unfavorable, even if only for a short while. It often doesn’t take long for us to be aware of who and what those are!

As you daily go about conducting your normal tasks, you should not refrain from saying something uplifting to another person, even when you may feel yourself “down in the dumps.” Others will benefit from your encouragement and, in the process, you shall be lifted up as well!

Remember that it’s always a little, positive gesture that impacts another life, just like a small act of rudeness can be injurious to someone in contact with

you. It only takes a second to make or break, depending on the attitude you choose to display toward a fellow human.

We’re all traversing difficult days in our society. Therefore, we should be more sensitive to others, not knowing in advance how they may be feeling or what they may be facing whenever we contact them. A soft word, a loving greeting, an encouraging suggestion go much farther than unnecessary abruptness, or even negative, sarcastic, or other demeaning attitudes.

A positive recommendation I’ve made in my book, “Appetizers for the Soul” urges my readers, “Never allow any good you can provide to others to go to waste; be urgent and decisive in doing what is right!” Hopefully such can also be your general disposition toward others, at all times and places,  no matter how you may be feeling on the inside at that moment!

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