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The Life You Choose!

By Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.

Once you are born and begin to mature, you cannot begin your life all over again. Nevertheless, as you advance day by day, you can modify your style from bad to good, from good to better, from better to best!

Everything you’ve done up to now, will contribute in some fashion to what you are becoming. And every new step you take in life will either re-confirm or not that you are in the right track, moving in the best direction possible.

You’re going somewhere only when you plan that journey; you cannot let yourself be taken by any shifting winds for inevitably you’ll end up where you don’t desire to be. The fact that you can choose the life you desire to live offers you enormous opportunities of planning it well, for reaping the best possible results.

It’s extremely sad when anyone reaches the end of earthly life devoid of any meaningful accomplishment. One may mechanically move through life, enduring a boring sameness without any excitement or the joy of adventure. There are risks one can legitimately avoid, but several other risks are necessary if life is to take one even beyond of where he or she anticipates arriving on the basis of how that life was mapped out!

Never forget that at any point of your personal development, you can also break free from whatever turns out to be undesirable, or even a form of enslavement to you. Part of the growth process is to recognize what is binding you and impeding your progress. What might have served some good purpose at one stage of life may have reached its expiration date which might have arrived unnoticed but now can be replaced by more salutary measures!

True life is never lived in the status quo; it is dynamic in nature – it’s always on the move reaching for new and better things which will improve all our accomplishments and grant us due rewards. It’s ever adding greater benefits of acquired experience up to that point which must be mingled with a mind always engaged in seeking what has genuine significance.

Ultimately, only such life can leave a permanent legacy and a long-lasting impact for the benefit of many others who come after us! Remember that the life you choose will either keep you in bondage, or will promote legitimate satisfaction stemming from every action you complete. Consult the Author of life for His own directives, always available to you!

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