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Chick Fil A


The mayors of Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and Washington, DC are intolerant bigots.

Recently, the president of Chick-fil-A discussed his deeply-held religious views on marriage.  He doesn’t support gay marriage.

Understand this.  The company doesn’t engage in discriminatory hiring practices.  Nor does it refuse to serve customers.  This should be the only concern to government officials.

Yet [Boston’s] Tom Menino, [Chicago’s] Rahm Emanuel, [San Francisco’s] Edwin Lee  and [Washington, DC’s] Vincent Gray announced their desire to block the chain from operating or expanding into their cities.

[Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno has vowed to block the restaurant chain’s expansion in that city. Chicago politicians would be better employed addressing the city’s murder rate.  Chicago hasone of the highest murder rates in America.  It’s four times that of New York City. ]

[Even CNN weighed-in on the mayors’ attacks on Chick-fil-A with one columnist referring to Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington, DC as ‘enlightened’ cities.]

This is a clear violation of the speech and religion clauses of the First Amendment.

Consider what two of these mayors do support. Menino gave Boston property to a mosque that included a leader who preached death to gays and urged women to become suicide bombers. Now that’s equality for you.

Emanuel welcomed to Chicago the raging anti-Semite and racist Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Are these mayors hypocrites?  Or just plain stupid?

I’ve responded to their bigoted positions by picking up Chick-fil-A [meals] for the entire newsroom.  This is not about gay marriage.  It’s about free speech.  And freedom of religion.

August 1st is national Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.  Stop by a restaurant.  And maybe boycott Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and DC.

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