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A World in Turmoil

By Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.

In addition to personal distresses and disasters, frequently affecting many individuals and entire families, quite a lot is also happening around the globe that can bring reasonable concern and legitimate fright to most inhabitants of planet earth.

Just think of natural disasters, political turmoil, economic instability, moral decline, and spiritual confusion, just to name a few aspects of the problem, which perhaps are the most noticeable to many! These, and other factors, seem to abound in recent seasons, adversely affecting large multitudes in diverse quarters.

Endless wars, new conflicts, and additional rumors of war also continue to decimate the population of many nations. An entire region of the world is currently engulfed in confusion, conflicts, and bloodshed, the end of which is not in sight, for no one can safely imagine or ascertain if a conclusion is humanly possible.

Blatant robberies and assassinations in cities, and now even in the high seas, are becoming more and more common. Crimes against humanity which earlier occurred in a much lesser scale, have now reached unprecedented, new levels of acceleration due to uncharacteristic, unseasonable, unmanageable, blatant greed!

Previously well-understood moral issues, which facilitated blessing and prosperity to flow into so many persons’ lives, now beg for alternate definitions and new connotations which are causing the withdrawal of divine favors to several who could’ve remained their regular, perpetual beneficiaries, both individuals, families, and nations.

Major earthquakes, devastating tornadoes, powerful blizzards, mighty floods, gigantic mud-slides, and other heretofore natural disasters not endured by many, are now consistently claiming the lives of countless individuals, while maiming others, in most diverse locations and regions of the planet. Those who once possessed something, and often left with nothing!

Agricultural sowing, food crops and production, are being unfavorably devastated in many lands on account of sudden, unsuspected climate changes and other adverse factors and conditions in several regions of the globe.

All this, and much more, may be viewed as “signs of the times;” it’s another possible divine warning to those willing to recognize that God remains Sovereign over all creation, and continues to superintend over the affairs of men and nations. He shall fulfill all that His Word affirms concerning His creation and His purposes for it! All humans better beware!

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