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The People of Boca Raton have spoken

The Boca Raton Tribune has been getting a lot of positive feedback from the column by our columnist Al Zucaro.

The Boca Raton Tribune prides itself in being the voice of the people in Boca Raton and we appreciate all the positive feedback we have received from the column.

We always strive to bring you the unbiased truth to the stories we publish online and on our paper. Below are some of the comments we have received from readers on the column by Al Zucaro. We appreciate all the feedback we receive and we are thankful for having such wonderful readers.


You tell it like it is my friend! Good job.
Check out this recent debate footage.
Frank Chapman gets booed by debate crowd as he tries to slander Anthony Majhess. – Unice Klein


Congratulations Mr. Zucaro. It is refreshing to find someone who says it like it is. I’ve lived in Boca Raton for over 30 years and have never seen such a disgusting campaign. Chapman has ruthlessly assassinated Councilman’s Majhess’ character while the mayor and council members encourage his angry, deceitful, distorted behavior. Hopefully, the citizens of Boca Raton are intelligent enough to see through this smoke screen. – Linda Baumann


The Boca Raton city manager is hereby called to answer questions from the people of the city before the council. If the city manager refuses, petition the council for him to be fired for failure to answer the will of the people, or fire everyone on the council by recall or a public vote against the monarchs of corruption in the very next election before the backroom scum steal everything in town. Then change the municipal ordinances to require the city manager’s appearance before every meeting of the city council. – Reid Friedson


Thank you Mr. Zarcro! Your insights are appreciated. The shameful lack of human kindness and respect that this City Council has shown Mr. Majhess in this “ganging up” is nothing short of shocking, embarrassing and sad, if not unethical. – Andrea O’Rourke


Thank you Al. I have been boiling from an ad I saw on television yesterday…a fabled nose ad that sickened me to think that this is my town and there are such nasty people allowing such ugliness in our election. Kudos for taking the time to express what i and I am sure others are thinking. – Skeets Friedkin


Thanks to your story, the annoying Chapman (56) campaign signs in the public right of way between 5th Avenue and Federal Highway, mysteriously went down to just a couple. Chapman (like the council) is so out of touch he has no idea how he offends voters by his thoughtless words and actions until a story is published about. Thanks for not being intimidated by these politicians. I for one am now a fan of the Boca Tribune and will be a loyal reader going forward! – Heidi Klier


Mr Zucaro,

You are to be commended for your honesty and integrity.
I saw the 11 pm AD on TV that Mr. Chapman paid for and that the city council rallied around him. It was totally disgusting and should never be tolerated. THIS IS HIGHLY UNETHICAL….

The city council should remain UNBIASED…to come out against one of their own should NOT be tolerated.

I , personally, think the entire city council be removed and keep Mr. Majhess the only one on it.. REPLACE these people who think they have all the power in the world.

HOW can 4 people feel this one lonely councilman is so aggressive ..he is the only one on the city council that has integrity..

This entire election should make the rest of city council wonder who will be behind them when their actions are inexcusable!!

KUDOS to you, Mr Zucaro , for your integrity and for writing the ONLY honest article that I have seen so far on this election.

As for the drug charge, I feel Mr. Majhess should hold Mr. Chapman for libel. – Andrea Stekloff


Bravo Al! ….. Now of course, they’ll label you a “Whacko” and sling as much discrediting mud on you as possible. It’s amazing that there hasn’t been a reality TV show made about American politics. That would be a hoot. – John


A new day is dawning in reference to journalist. Al Zucarro and the Boca Raton Tribune should be applauded for their clarity in realizing we the people will be heard and in the long run those standing with us will be rewarded for their efforts.  – Patricia Dervishi Floridian


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