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Ross cites $5M in new gifts to Lynn during ‘State of the University’ address

BOCA RATON – Lynn University President Kevin M. Ross delivered
his sixth “State of the University” address in the Keith C. and Elaine
Johnson Wold Performing Arts Center.

He reviewed Lynn’s accomplishments, challenges and ambitious

Highlighting the speech, Ross announced that the school has
received three gifts totaling $5 million to establish an endowed
scholarship and to fund two significant components of the university’s
Lynn 2020 strategic plan.

“To date, with these gifts, we have raised over $30 million in cash
and pledges for the projects outlined as priorities in Lynn 2020,”
Ross said. “We are grateful for these wonderful friends whose
generosity affirms their commitment to the mission and vision of Lynn

Holli Rockwell of Boca Raton has established a planned gift of
$3 million to establish The Herbert and Holli Rockwell Endowed
Scholarship Fund. She is a long-standing supporter of Lynn
University, and she has also named the Herbert and Holli Rockwell
Terrace Garden at the Keith C. and Elaine Johnson Wold Performing
Arts Center.

A pledge of $1 million from Robert Sheetz, also from Boca Raton, will
fund the renovation and upgrade of the university’s main entrance
on Military Trail. The new entrance will include a traffic light and
five lanes for better traffic flow. This is a major component of Lynn’s
approved master plan.

Also, Benjamin Olewine III, a longtime benefactor to Lynn University
from Harrisburg, Pa. and Boca Raton, has pledged $1 million to
create a new Potomac Road entrance and a back perimeter road

which includes the relocation of the existing Benjamin Olewine III

The preserve, home to Florida scrub, will provide a living laboratory
for the study of this imperiled ecosystem, including seven animals
and 40 plants listed as rare, threatened or endangered. He has
also funded the Olewine Culinary Laboratory as well as the
Olewine Entrance Garden at the Keith C. and Elaine Johnson Wold
Performing Arts Center.

“Each of these gifts moves us closer to fulfilling our vision to
be recognized as one of the most innovative, international and
individualized small universities in America,” Ross said.

Among the many successes announced, Ross highlighted Lynn’s
increased enrollment and welcomed the university’s largest class in
four years. He emphasized that this goal was accomplished with the
help of the entire Lynn community.

“The 538 new day undergraduate students this fall semester come
from 36 countries, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Washington
D.C. and 36 states… This enrollment number is 18 percent higher
than last year,” said Ross. “Last year, Admission set a goal for new
student enrollment of 525, which they not only met but exceeded.”

Ross focused on Lynn’s devotion to maintaining affordable education
when he said, “We are proud to be keeping our tuition rate increase
well below the national average for the fifth consecutive year.”

In addition, Ross said that in five years, Lynn has completed one-
third of its goals outlined in Lynn 2020 including: eight new endowed
scholarships, the complete restructuring of its core curriculum and
the subsequent launch of the Dialogues of Learning, which includes
the January term, and the completion of the Perper Plaza, the
Perper Tennis Complex and the Keith C. and Elaine Johnson Wold
Performing Arts Center, among others.

This past summer, the construction began on the Remembrance
Plaza which will honor the lost but never forgotten members of
Lynn’s community – professors Patrick Hartwick and Richard Bruno

and students, Stephanie Crispinelli, Britney Gengel, Christine
Gianacaci and Courtney Hayes. They were killed in the January 2010
earthquake in Haiti.

“This plaza will be a place for reflection, remembrance and
inspiration,” Ross said. “We are planning to hold a dedication during
this spring semester.”

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