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Epstein leaves West Boca Chamber after four years at the helm

BOCA RATON — Barry R. Epstein, founder and president of the West Boca Chamber of Commerce for nearly four years, resigned effective March 31.  He cited the increased work load from his other clients.

The Chamber Board of Directors accepted his resignation with regret and has asked Epstein to assist in the transition to his replacement.  The board also contacted the Florida Association of Chamber Executives to assist in soliciting resumes from Chamber staff members with at least one year of U.S. Chamber Institute training.

Chamber chair Jeff Karsin, American Financial Consultants, has appointed a selection committee that includes chair-elect Seth Marmor, partner in Shapiro, Blasi, Wasserman and Gora, P.A.,; vice chair Larry Coomes, COO of West Boca Medical Center and Shelby Linton, Chamber director, Foundation chair and branch manager of HSBC Bank.

During his tenure at the Chamber, Epstein created the West Boca Community Foundation and WestPAC, along with several other committees, including the Diplomats. Among his duties were arranging for breakfast speakers, including 2011 speakers Home Depot Founder Bernie Marcus, former Miami Beach Mayor Alex Daoud and Congressmen Ted Deutch and Allen West. He has also arranged for his friend Tom Monaghan, founder of Dominos and owner of the Detroit Tigers, to speak at the June breakfast.

“I am fortunate that my business and client base has increased to the point where I must reluctantly step down as president of the Chamber”, Epstein said. “But I am confident the Chamber will continue to grow as an influential representative of the West Boca business and professional community and the ‘voice of business’ in West Boca.”

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