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National Society of Arts & Letters in Boca hosts annual High Tea

Story, photos by Barbara McCormick

BOCA RATON — Members of the National Society of Arts & Letters (NSAL) Boca Raton South Florida Chapter recently hosted their Annual High Tea at the Royal Palm Yacht & Country Club residence of Jay & Marilyn Nelson. The purpose of the Society is to identify, encourage and assist young talent in categories of art, dance, drama, literature, musical theatre and music.

NSAL President Judi Asselta welcomed members, guests and performers.

Shown from left are Elizabeth Hanby, presenter, Judi Asselta, NSAL president with musicians Sage McBride, Daniela Shtereva, Jose Menor

The inspiring afternoon program began with a performance by 13 year old violinist, Sage McBride, who played selections by Bach and Beethoven to a very appreciative audience. Sage’s mother, Michele McBride said Sage began playing the violin at age 4, and his goal is to become a concert soloist.

Elizabeth Hanby, NSAL member and guest speaker from Washington D.C. chronicled the lives of her parents, noted professional dancers and founders of the Ballet Arts School. Selective piano music of Elizabeth and Youry Yourloff, was played by Jose Menor. This program with costumes and music is being presented to the Smithsonian as an exhibit.

A NSAL and Lynn University Conservatory of Music International Violin Competition First Place winner, Daniela Shtereva accompanied by Jose Menor played a fast paced classical musical program.  In closing, Jose performed a Spanish composition titled “Paintings by Goya”

Hostesses Marilyn Nelson and Dorinda Spahr, invited everyone to tea.

Coming events include: March 12, 9am, Dance Competition (Choreography), Crest Theatre, Old School Square, Delray Beach.

Sunday, April 2, Boca Raton South Florida Chapter Dance.

April 28, Red Rose Dinner Gala, Brooks Restaurant, Deerfield.

For more information on NSAL membership and activities, visit Click on Chapters, Boca Raton, then Men

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