Published On: Wed, Aug 5th, 2015

Home Run

By: Elizabeth A. Mitchell

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)

Infused in every book, radiating as the incandescent Light of the World, Jesus emerges clearly through the pages of Scripture, appearing like the Bright and Morning Star on the horizon, demonstrating his love for us in meaningful, descriptive ways.

He is the Prodigal’s father in Luke 15, arms outstretched, limbs racing toward us as we hobble home, bruised and in need of far more than bandages. We turn toward him in repentance; he is acceptance and love, hands drawing us close and draping us in clean garments of forgiveness and restoration. We are his beloved children returning from a far country that has stripped us and left us barren. We are stained and blemished by poor choices, but he graciously turns his face toward us, refusing to treat us as undeserving, second-class servants.

He bends over our battered frame like the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, recognizing that we are in distress and incapable of restoring ourselves. With unparalleled compassion he moves toward us on the side of the road where circumstances have robbed us and stripped us clean. Jesus performs what no religious institution is capable of – he cleanses us with his own priceless blood, binding our wounds with his scarred hands, and dressing us in his spotless robes of righteousness. Making the full payment necessary for our complete healing, he provides everything we need to be spiritually whole.

With the protective passion of the Good Shepherd in Luke 15, our Lord will not rest until we are safely by his side. At one time, every one of us has been that lost sheep, frightened and disoriented, finding ourselves far away from the Shepherd. Because the “Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost,” his primary mission is to make sure he rescues us and reconciles us to the Father. He willingly moved heaven and earth to accomplish this grand plan of salvation. Shepherds do that; he willingly and sacrificially laid down his life for the sheep.

Far-away son, wounded traveler, little lost lamb. Whoever you are, wherever you roam, Jesus longs for you to be safely home.

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